Conditions & contact

My services are on a freelance-basis. Research, advisory and output, although thoroughly performed, is open-source/unclassified* only. 

(* inquiries regarding classified subjects will remain unanswered, and if significant, reported to the proper authorities)


My services are of military or military related advisory nature only. If required, altered or annotated scripts, as well as separate reports will be produced. Honorarium will be negotiated after an inquiry for advice is submitted.

Please be comprehensive, detailed and complete in expressing your wishes/demands/needs.

Though my scope is worldwide, the product output* is restricted to the Dutch, German and/or English language.

(* this is your altered script/report, not the detailled or linguistic advice within the product)




If you require military advice on a script for a novel, TV-production or movie please  contact me using the contact form below.


You can contact me by sending an E-mail to:




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